IU Bloomington provides a variety of internal funding opportunities to support faculty research and creative activities in the arts and humanities. Most of these awards are offered annually or semesterly. Please check back regularly for the latest deadlines.
Internal Funding for Faculty
IU Research
IU Presidential Arts & Humanities Awards
Award: up to $15,000
Deadline: January 31, 2024
The IUPAH Production Grants are intended to fund the technical manifestation of prior research/work. This program supports performance costs (e.g. hiring performers, sound equipment, studio rental); exhibit costs (e.g. shipping, packing); fees for monographs and article production (open access and image fees); sound, film, and video editing/production; printing and design; and advertising.
Award: $50,000
Deadline: January 31, 2024
The year-long IUPAH Fellows Program is created to highlight and promote outstanding faculty members in the arts and humanities by providing funding for a significant research or creative activity project, organizing a professional development program, and offering support and recognition from university leaders and administration in various areas.
Award: up to $2,000
Deadline: Rolling through March 29, 2024
The IUPAH Conference and Workshop Travel Grants are intended to support faculty participating in professional events that support the continuation of research, creative activity, and the scholarship of teaching in arts and humanities areas.
Award: up to $4,000
Deadline: Rolling through March 29, 2024
The IUPAH Research Travel Grants are intended to support expenses associated with faculty travel for the purpose of conducting scholarly research or fieldwork in the arts and/or humanities.
Award: $500 travel stipend, plus 2-4 weeks lodging in the Eastman property on Martha's Vineyard
Deadline: TBD
The Eastman Residency supports IU Bloomington faculty in the arts and humanities by providing residencies from two to four weeks on the IU-owned Eastman property on Martha’s Vineyard. Priority will be given to faculty members on sabbatical, but all IU Bloomington faculty with a clearly-defined research or creative project that would benefit from time away from campus are encouraged to apply. Faculty members must submit a proposal detailing how the residency will benefit a specific project and contribute more broadly to their work. The residency mainly supports Individual projects, but it can be used for exceptionally planned meetings and symposia of a scholarly or artistic nature.
Award: Up to $25,000
Deadline: October 16, 2023
The Public Arts and Humanities Project is a non-competitive program to fund new research and creative activities that benefit the Bloomington community and southern Indiana at large. It is supported by IU's Office of the Provost and managed by the IU Bloomington Arts & Humanities Council.
Applicants must partner with civic or other community organizations to plan and manage a research or creative project with academic as well as public deliverables. For this non-competitive program, proposals will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the director of the Arts and Humanities Council and developed for final review by appropriate members of the council.
Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities
Institute for Advanced Study
Award: $5,000 in seed money for research/creative activity awarded upon completion of program
Deadline: May 31, 2024
Award: Core College or School of Education faculty at all ranks may apply for 2 course releases used during a semester in residence at IAS
Deadline: October 7, 2023
Award: IUB faculty may apply to participate in interdisciplinary, one-year working group focused on a theme of mutual interest. Participants may apply for research seed money to support projects resulting from program participation.
Deadline: Calls for participants will be made public in Fall semester.
College Arts and Humanities Institute
To support conferences and workshops at IUB.
Deadlines: October 20 for fall, and March 1 for spring.
Award: One or two course releases (at no more than $10,000 per release). Always for use the following academic year.
Deadline: October 20, 2023.
Award: Two course releases (at no more than $10,000 per release), for projects that make extensive use of the Kinsey Institute’s holdings. Recipients are granted additional resources at the Kinsey Institute, including access to collection materials and staff, desk space, dedicated reserve space in the Kinsey Institute Library, and an undergraduate library assistant on an hourly basis. The fellowship is always for use the following academic year.
Deadline: October 20, 2023.
Award: Up to $10,000 for activities that take place at one or more of IU’s Global Gateways (currently in Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Mexico City, and New Delhi).
Rolling deadline. Applications should be submitted at least eight weeks in advance of the event date.