Call for Entries: Working Artists’ On-Ramp
Support and Skill-Sharing For South Central Indiana Artists
Local artists and artisans in all disciplines are invited to apply for acceptance into this summer’s “On-Ramp Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator”, a three-day workshop designed to teach practical skills to emerging artists interested in monetizing their work.
The program includes post-workshop support and an award of up to $2,000 for participants to fund an independent project in 2022. Indiana residents over 18 are eligible to apply.
The workshop meets Friday through Sunday, August 6-8 at the Cook Center, Maxwell Hall, on the campus of IU Bloomington. There is no cost for participants.
During this three-day workshop, participants dig into ten key business practices for independent artists and focus on their career goals. Those completing the workshop are eligible for the On-Ramp Fellowship.
The program is administered by the Indiana Arts Commission with support from the IU Center for Rural Engagement.
Applications will be peer-reviewed, with up to 15 applicants to be selected among those committed to a creative career. The selection committee will build a diverse cohort that includes a variety of artistic experience and disciplines.
Additional information and applications are available online through June 29 at
For a paper copy of the application, or other questions, please contact Gerard Pannekoek at or call (812)-855-7700. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.
On-Ramp Creative Entrepreneur Accelerators are brought to you by the Indiana Small Business Development Center, a program of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, and Indiana Arts Commission (IAC).
This initiative is funded in part by federal funding provided by the U.S. Small Business Administration through the CARES Act.